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8 bit barrel shifter version B

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3 ticks, excluding input/output bus
left shift, right shift, arithmetic right shift, rotate.

version B has shift amount on the same height as data input, making it easier for using it in second operand. 

blue: data input, inverted, 15ss required

purple: shift amount input, normal, 15ss required.
keep in mind that doing a right shift by X is the same as doing a left shift by -X. please input the 2s complement if you want right shifts. 

yellow: output, normal, low output

- disable left shift, use when only doing right shift
- disable right shift, use when only doing left shift
- disable sign extend, for use with arithmetic right shift

Schematic Info

Visibility: Public



logic minecraft arithmetics redstone computational


In-game command:
/schematio download 71mvzU
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